Cross-cultural club and local-international students activity

Publisher :丁緒武Release time:2023-07-21Number of views:10

On June 8th 2023, students majoring in international Economics and Trade held the first exchange activity between local and international students in Teaching buildig D319. Duputy Dean Qiu Menghua, and department head Ms. Wang Dan from the School of Management, together with local and international students majoring in international Economics and trade, attended the activity.The activity was chaired by Yu Zhe.

The theme of this activity is to introduce one of the favorite songs among the students. Both local and international students participated actively during the Cross-cultural activity. Through this activity, it has shorten the distance between local and international students and understood better on cultural differences amongdifferent countries, and exercised their English oral speaking. In addtion, the international studentsmay be better involved into the campus life and got more chance to know the local students.




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